Board Nomination Criteria

Nominees must be voting members of ACAud inc. HAASA and be nominated and seconded by voting members. Nominations must include an acceptance by the nominee. Nominees may include with the nomination a resume/ position paper with photograph, of not more than one A4 page.

Voting Member refers to any person who has been accepted by ACAud inc. HAASA as a Fellow, an Ordinary Member, or an Associate Member and whose membership is current at time of nomination.

ACAud inc. HAASA Constitution limits number of Directors from same Holding/Parent Company

Article 7.2.3 in the ACAud inc. HAASA Constitution states: “There can be no more than 3 Board members from the same Holding/Parent Company”. Should this situation arise, below is the procedure.

  • If the number of nominations received from persons from the same Holding/Parent Company exceed the number of vacant positions on the Board for persons from that Holding/Parent Company, a ballot will be held.
  • Vacant positions will be filled by considering the number of votes and the candidates’ Holding/Parent Company to ensure all requirements under the Constitution are met. A ballot will be held, which includes all candidates. Of these candidates, the highest votes will be elected depending on available positions.
  • The candidate from the other Holding/Parent Company will be determined to have been elected according to 7.2 in By-Law 97-3.
  • In case of a tied vote that impacts the results, the candidates will be informed of the tie, asked if they wish to contest the position and a second ballot will be sent to the membership.